createGroupRequestValidator function

void createGroupRequestValidator({
  1. required String groupName,
  2. required String groupDescription,
  3. required List<String> members,
  4. required List<String> admins,
  5. String? contractAddressNFT,
  6. int? numberOfNFTs,
  7. String? contractAddressERC20,
  8. int? numberOfERC20,


void createGroupRequestValidator({
  required String groupName,
  required String groupDescription,
  required List<String> members,
  required List<String> admins,
  String? contractAddressNFT,
  int? numberOfNFTs,
  String? contractAddressERC20,
  int? numberOfERC20,
}) {
  if (groupName.isEmpty) {
    throw Exception('groupName cannot be null or empty');

  if (groupName.length > 50) {
    throw Exception('groupName cannot be more than 50 characters');

  if (groupDescription.length > 150) {
    throw Exception('groupDescription cannot be more than 150 characters');

  for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
    if (!isValidETHAddress(members[i])) {
      throw Exception('Invalid member address!');

  for (int i = 0; i < admins.length; i++) {
    if (!isValidETHAddress(admins[i])) {
      throw Exception('Invalid admin address!');

  if (contractAddressNFT != null &&
      contractAddressNFT.isNotEmpty &&
      !isValidNFTCAIP10Address(contractAddressNFT)) {
    throw Exception('Invalid contractAddressNFT address!');

  if (numberOfNFTs != null && numberOfNFTs < 0) {
    throw Exception('numberOfNFTs cannot be negative number');

  if (contractAddressERC20 != null &&
      contractAddressERC20.isNotEmpty &&
      !isValidNFTCAIP10Address(contractAddressERC20)) {
    throw Exception('Invalid contractAddressERC20 address!');

  if (numberOfERC20 != null && numberOfERC20 < 0) {
    throw Exception('numberOfERC20 cannot be negative number');