IntroductoryPrice constructor
const factory IntroductoryPrice(
/// Introductory price of a subscription in the local currency.
double price,
/// Formatted introductory price of a subscription, including
/// its currency sign, such as €3.99.
String priceString,
/// Billing period of the introductory price, specified in
/// ISO 8601 format.
String period,
/// Number of subscription billing periods for which the
/// user will be given the introductory price, such as 3.
int cycles,
/// Unit for the billing period of the introductory price, can be DAY, WEEK,
/// MONTH or YEAR.
// ignore: invalid_annotation_target
@JsonKey(name: 'periodUnit', unknownEnumValue: PeriodUnit.unknown)
PeriodUnit periodUnit,
/// Number of units for the billing period of the introductory price.
int periodNumberOfUnits,
) = _IntroductoryPrice;