SubscriptionOption constructor

const SubscriptionOption(
  1. String id,
  2. String storeProductId,
  3. String productId,
  4. List<PricingPhase> pricingPhases,
  5. List<String> tags,
  6. bool isBasePlan,
  7. Period? billingPeriod,
  8. bool isPrepaid,
  9. PricingPhase? fullPricePhase,
  10. PricingPhase? freePhase,
  11. PricingPhase? introPhase,
  12. PresentedOfferingContext? presentedOfferingContext,


const factory SubscriptionOption(
  /// Identifier of the subscription option
  /// If this SubscriptionOption represents a base plan, this will be the basePlanId.
  /// If it represents an offer, it will be {basePlanId}:{offerId}
  String id,

  /// Identifier of the StoreProduct associated with this SubscriptionOption
  /// This will be {subId}:{basePlanId}
  String storeProductId,

  /// Identifer of the subscription associated with this SubsriptionOption
  /// This will be {subId}
  String productId,

  /// Pricing phases defining a user's payment plan for the product over time.
  List<PricingPhase> pricingPhases,

  /// Tags defined on the base plan or offer.
  List<String> tags,

  /// True if this SubscriptionOption represents a Google subscription base plan (rather than an offer).
  bool isBasePlan,

  /// The subscription period of fullPricePhase (after free and intro trials).
  Period? billingPeriod,

  /// True if the subscription is pre-paid.
  bool isPrepaid,

  /// The full price PricingPhase of the subscription.
  /// Looks for the last price phase of the SubscriptionOption.
  PricingPhase? fullPricePhase,

  /// The free trial PricingPhase of the subscription.
  /// Looks for the first pricing phase of the SubscriptionOption where amountMicros is 0.
  /// There can be a freeTrialPhase and an introductoryPhase in the same SubscriptionOption.
  PricingPhase? freePhase,

  /// The intro trial PricingPhase of the subscription.
  /// Looks for the first pricing phase of the SubscriptionOption where amountMicros is greater than 0.
  /// There can be a freeTrialPhase and an introductoryPhase in the same SubscriptionOption.
  PricingPhase? introPhase,

  /// Offering context this package belongs to.
  /// Null if not using offerings or if fetched directly from store via getProducts
  PresentedOfferingContext? presentedOfferingContext,
) = _SubscriptionOption;