purchaseDiscountedPackage static method

Future<PurchaserInfo> purchaseDiscountedPackage(
  1. Package packageToPurchase,
  2. PaymentDiscount discount

iOS only. Purchase a package applying a given discount.

Returns a PurchaserInfo object. Throws a PlatformException if the purchase is unsuccessful. Check if PurchasesErrorHelper.getErrorCode(e) is PurchasesErrorCode.purchaseCancelledError to check if the user cancelled the purchase.

packageToPurchase The Package you wish to purchase

paymentDiscount Discount to apply to the product. Retrieve this discount using getPaymentDiscount.


static Future<rc.PurchaserInfo> purchaseDiscountedPackage(
    rc.Package packageToPurchase, rc.PaymentDiscount discount) async {
  return rc.Purchases.purchaseDiscountedPackage(packageToPurchase, discount);