setResponseOverrideBits method

Future<void> setResponseOverrideBits(
  1. AuthenticatorId authenticatorId,
  2. {bool? isBogusSignature,
  3. bool? isBadUV,
  4. bool? isBadUP}

Resets parameters isBogusSignature, isBadUV, isBadUP to false if they are not present. isBogusSignature If isBogusSignature is set, overrides the signature in the authenticator response to be zero. Defaults to false. isBadUV If isBadUV is set, overrides the UV bit in the flags in the authenticator response to be zero. Defaults to false. isBadUP If isBadUP is set, overrides the UP bit in the flags in the authenticator response to be zero. Defaults to false.


Future<void> setResponseOverrideBits(AuthenticatorId authenticatorId,
    {bool? isBogusSignature, bool? isBadUV, bool? isBadUP}) async {
  await _client.send('WebAuthn.setResponseOverrideBits', {
    'authenticatorId': authenticatorId,
    if (isBogusSignature != null) 'isBogusSignature': isBogusSignature,
    if (isBadUV != null) 'isBadUV': isBadUV,
    if (isBadUP != null) 'isBadUP': isBadUP,