setSharedStorageEntry method

Future<void> setSharedStorageEntry(
  1. String ownerOrigin,
  2. String key,
  3. String value, {
  4. bool? ignoreIfPresent,

Sets entry with key and value for a given origin's shared storage. ignoreIfPresent If ignoreIfPresent is included and true, then only sets the entry if key doesn't already exist.


Future<void> setSharedStorageEntry(
  String ownerOrigin,
  String key,
  String value, {
  bool? ignoreIfPresent,
}) async {
  await _client.send('Storage.setSharedStorageEntry', {
    'ownerOrigin': ownerOrigin,
    'key': key,
    'value': value,
    if (ignoreIfPresent != null) 'ignoreIfPresent': ignoreIfPresent,