setTouchEmulationEnabled method

  1. @Deprecated('This command is deprecated')
Future<void> setTouchEmulationEnabled(
  1. bool enabled, {
  2. @Enum(['mobile', 'desktop']) String? configuration,

Toggles mouse event-based touch event emulation. enabled Whether the touch event emulation should be enabled. configuration Touch/gesture events configuration. Default: current platform.


@Deprecated('This command is deprecated')
Future<void> setTouchEmulationEnabled(
  bool enabled, {
  @Enum(['mobile', 'desktop']) String? configuration,
}) async {
    configuration == null ||
        const ['mobile', 'desktop'].contains(configuration),
  await _client.send('Page.setTouchEmulationEnabled', {
    'enabled': enabled,
    if (configuration != null) 'configuration': configuration,