highlightSourceOrder method

Future<void> highlightSourceOrder(
  1. SourceOrderConfig sourceOrderConfig, {
  2. NodeId? nodeId,
  3. BackendNodeId? backendNodeId,
  4. RemoteObjectId? objectId,

Highlights the source order of the children of the DOM node with given id or with the given JavaScript object wrapper. Either nodeId or objectId must be specified. sourceOrderConfig A descriptor for the appearance of the overlay drawing. nodeId Identifier of the node to highlight. backendNodeId Identifier of the backend node to highlight. objectId JavaScript object id of the node to be highlighted.


Future<void> highlightSourceOrder(
  SourceOrderConfig sourceOrderConfig, {
  dom.NodeId? nodeId,
  dom.BackendNodeId? backendNodeId,
  runtime.RemoteObjectId? objectId,
}) async {
  await _client.send('Overlay.highlightSourceOrder', {
    'sourceOrderConfig': sourceOrderConfig,
    if (nodeId != null) 'nodeId': nodeId,
    if (backendNodeId != null) 'backendNodeId': backendNodeId,
    if (objectId != null) 'objectId': objectId,