emulateNetworkConditions method

Future<void> emulateNetworkConditions(
  1. bool offline,
  2. num latency,
  3. num downloadThroughput,
  4. num uploadThroughput, {
  5. ConnectionType? connectionType,
  6. num? packetLoss,
  7. int? packetQueueLength,
  8. bool? packetReordering,

Activates emulation of network conditions. offline True to emulate internet disconnection. latency Minimum latency from request sent to response headers received (ms). downloadThroughput Maximal aggregated download throughput (bytes/sec). -1 disables download throttling. uploadThroughput Maximal aggregated upload throughput (bytes/sec). -1 disables upload throttling. connectionType Connection type if known. packetLoss WebRTC packet loss (percent, 0-100). 0 disables packet loss emulation, 100 drops all the packets. packetQueueLength WebRTC packet queue length (packet). 0 removes any queue length limitations. packetReordering WebRTC packetReordering feature.


Future<void> emulateNetworkConditions(
  bool offline,
  num latency,
  num downloadThroughput,
  num uploadThroughput, {
  ConnectionType? connectionType,
  num? packetLoss,
  int? packetQueueLength,
  bool? packetReordering,
}) async {
  await _client.send('Network.emulateNetworkConditions', {
    'offline': offline,
    'latency': latency,
    'downloadThroughput': downloadThroughput,
    'uploadThroughput': uploadThroughput,
    if (connectionType != null) 'connectionType': connectionType,
    if (packetLoss != null) 'packetLoss': packetLoss,
    if (packetQueueLength != null) 'packetQueueLength': packetQueueLength,
    if (packetReordering != null) 'packetReordering': packetReordering,