imeSetComposition method

Future<void> imeSetComposition(
  1. String text,
  2. int selectionStart,
  3. int selectionEnd, {
  4. int? replacementStart,
  5. int? replacementEnd,

This method sets the current candidate text for IME. Use imeCommitComposition to commit the final text. Use imeSetComposition with empty string as text to cancel composition. text The text to insert selectionStart selection start selectionEnd selection end replacementStart replacement start replacementEnd replacement end


Future<void> imeSetComposition(
    String text, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd,
    {int? replacementStart, int? replacementEnd}) async {
  await _client.send('Input.imeSetComposition', {
    'text': text,
    'selectionStart': selectionStart,
    'selectionEnd': selectionEnd,
    if (replacementStart != null) 'replacementStart': replacementStart,
    if (replacementEnd != null) 'replacementEnd': replacementEnd,