stopTrackingHeapObjects method

Future<void> stopTrackingHeapObjects({
  1. bool? reportProgress,
  2. @Deprecated('This parameter is deprecated') bool? treatGlobalObjectsAsRoots,
  3. bool? captureNumericValue,
  4. bool? exposeInternals,

reportProgress If true 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress' events will be generated while snapshot is being taken when the tracking is stopped. captureNumericValue If true, numerical values are included in the snapshot exposeInternals If true, exposes internals of the snapshot.


Future<void> stopTrackingHeapObjects(
    {bool? reportProgress,
    @Deprecated('This parameter is deprecated')
    bool? treatGlobalObjectsAsRoots,
    bool? captureNumericValue,
    bool? exposeInternals}) async {
  await _client.send('HeapProfiler.stopTrackingHeapObjects', {
    if (reportProgress != null) 'reportProgress': reportProgress,
    if (treatGlobalObjectsAsRoots != null)
      'treatGlobalObjectsAsRoots': treatGlobalObjectsAsRoots,
    if (captureNumericValue != null)
      'captureNumericValue': captureNumericValue,
    if (exposeInternals != null) 'exposeInternals': exposeInternals,