continueResponse method
Continues loading of the paused response, optionally modifying the
response headers. If either responseCode or headers are modified, all of them
must be present.
An id the client received in requestPaused event.
An HTTP response code. If absent, original response code will be used.
A textual representation of responseCode.
If absent, a standard phrase matching responseCode is used.
Response headers. If absent, original response headers will be used.
Alternative way of specifying response headers as a \0-separated
series of name: value pairs. Prefer the above method unless you
need to represent some non-UTF8 values that can't be transmitted
over the protocol as text.
Future<void> continueResponse(
RequestId requestId, {
int? responseCode,
String? responsePhrase,
List<HeaderEntry>? responseHeaders,
String? binaryResponseHeaders,
}) async {
await _client.send('Fetch.continueResponse', {
'requestId': requestId,
if (responseCode != null) 'responseCode': responseCode,
if (responsePhrase != null) 'responsePhrase': responsePhrase,
if (responseHeaders != null) 'responseHeaders': [...responseHeaders],
if (binaryResponseHeaders != null)
'binaryResponseHeaders': binaryResponseHeaders,