trigger method

Future<void> trigger(
  1. BackendNodeId fieldId,
  2. CreditCard card, {
  3. FrameId? frameId,

Trigger autofill on a form identified by the fieldId. If the field and related form cannot be autofilled, returns an error. fieldId Identifies a field that serves as an anchor for autofill. frameId Identifies the frame that field belongs to. card Credit card information to fill out the form. Credit card data is not saved.


Future<void> trigger(
  dom.BackendNodeId fieldId,
  CreditCard card, {
  page.FrameId? frameId,
}) async {
  await _client.send('Autofill.trigger', {
    'fieldId': fieldId,
    'card': card,
    if (frameId != null) 'frameId': frameId,