getAXNodeAndAncestors method

Future<List<AXNodeData>> getAXNodeAndAncestors({
  1. NodeId? nodeId,
  2. BackendNodeId? backendNodeId,
  3. RemoteObjectId? objectId,

Fetches a node and all ancestors up to and including the root. Requires enable() to have been called previously. nodeId Identifier of the node to get. backendNodeId Identifier of the backend node to get. objectId JavaScript object id of the node wrapper to get.


Future<List<AXNodeData>> getAXNodeAndAncestors({
  dom.NodeId? nodeId,
  dom.BackendNodeId? backendNodeId,
  runtime.RemoteObjectId? objectId,
}) async {
  var result = await _client.send('Accessibility.getAXNodeAndAncestors', {
    if (nodeId != null) 'nodeId': nodeId,
    if (backendNodeId != null) 'backendNodeId': backendNodeId,
    if (objectId != null) 'objectId': objectId,
  return (result['nodes'] as List)
      .map((e) => AXNodeData.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>))