Enables the accessibility domain which causes AXNodeIds to remain consistent between method calls.
This turns on accessibility for the page, which can impact performance until accessibility is disabled.
Fetches a node and all ancestors up to and including the root.
Requires enable() to have been called previously.
nodeId Identifier of the node to get.
backendNodeId Identifier of the backend node to get.
objectId JavaScript object id of the node wrapper to get.
Fetches a particular accessibility node by AXNodeId.
Requires enable() to have been called previously.
frameId The frame in whose document the node resides.
If omitted, the root frame is used.
Fetches the entire accessibility tree for the root Document
depth The maximum depth at which descendants of the root node should be retrieved.
If omitted, the full tree is returned.
frameId The frame for whose document the AX tree should be retrieved.
If omitted, the root frame is used.
Fetches the accessibility node and partial accessibility tree for this DOM node, if it exists.
nodeId Identifier of the node to get the partial accessibility tree for.
backendNodeId Identifier of the backend node to get the partial accessibility tree for.
objectId JavaScript object id of the node wrapper to get the partial accessibility tree for.
fetchRelatives Whether to fetch this node's ancestors, siblings and children. Defaults to true.
Returns: The Accessibility.AXNode for this DOM node, if it exists, plus its ancestors, siblings and
children, if requested.
Fetches the root node.
Requires enable() to have been called previously.
frameId The frame in whose document the node resides.
If omitted, the root frame is used.
Query a DOM node's accessibility subtree for accessible name and role.
This command computes the name and role for all nodes in the subtree, including those that are
ignored for accessibility, and returns those that match the specified name and role. If no DOM
node is specified, or the DOM node does not exist, the command returns an error. If neither
accessibleName or role is specified, it returns all the accessibility nodes in the subtree.
nodeId Identifier of the node for the root to query.
backendNodeId Identifier of the backend node for the root to query.
objectId JavaScript object id of the node wrapper for the root to query.
accessibleName Find nodes with this computed name.
role Find nodes with this computed role.
Returns: A list of Accessibility.AXNode matching the specified attributes,
including nodes that are ignored for accessibility.