requestDatabase method

Future<DatabaseWithObjectStores> requestDatabase(
  1. String databaseName, {
  2. String? securityOrigin,
  3. String? storageKey,

Requests database with given name in given frame. securityOrigin At least and at most one of securityOrigin, storageKey must be specified. Security origin. storageKey Storage key. databaseName Database name. Returns: Database with an array of object stores.


Future<DatabaseWithObjectStores> requestDatabase(String databaseName,
    {String? securityOrigin, String? storageKey}) async {
  var result = await _client.send('IndexedDB.requestDatabase', {
    'databaseName': databaseName,
    if (securityOrigin != null) 'securityOrigin': securityOrigin,
    if (storageKey != null) 'storageKey': storageKey,
  return DatabaseWithObjectStores.fromJson(
      result['databaseWithObjectStores'] as Map<String, dynamic>);