requestEntries method

Future<RequestEntriesResult> requestEntries(
  1. CacheId cacheId, {
  2. int? skipCount,
  3. int? pageSize,
  4. String? pathFilter,

Requests data from cache. cacheId ID of cache to get entries from. skipCount Number of records to skip. pageSize Number of records to fetch. pathFilter If present, only return the entries containing this substring in the path


Future<RequestEntriesResult> requestEntries(CacheId cacheId,
    {int? skipCount, int? pageSize, String? pathFilter}) async {
  var result = await _client.send('CacheStorage.requestEntries', {
    'cacheId': cacheId,
    if (skipCount != null) 'skipCount': skipCount,
    if (pageSize != null) 'pageSize': pageSize,
    if (pathFilter != null) 'pathFilter': pathFilter,
  return RequestEntriesResult.fromJson(result);