Pubspec Extract

Extracts Dart pubspec.yaml file and generate pubspec.dart at build time.

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Usage as a command line tool

Add the pubspec_extract dev dependency

dart pub add --dev pubspec_extract

then run:

dart run pubspec_extract

Install the command-line tool globally


dart pub global activate pubspec_extract

the executable will be compiled and available at $HOME/.pub-cache/bin or %APPDATA%\Pub\Cache\bin. You can run it using:

dart pub global run pubspec_extract

Usage with build_runner

Add the build_runner dev dependency

dart pub add --dev build_runner

Build the pubspec.dart file

dart run build_runner build

Builder options are configured in your pubspec.yaml:

  class_name: Pubspec
  source: pubspec.yaml
  destination: lib/pubspec.dart
  format: true
  map_list: false


Then in your application, you can import pubspec.dart:

import 'pubspec.dart'; // May not exist but it's okay!

void main() {