check static method

Future<Version?> check()

Check if the current script is up to date with the pub version. Will only work if the script is globally activated. Otherwise it will always return null.

If the script is not up to date, this returns the latest version on pub


static Future<Version?> check() async {
  final lockPath = Platform.script.resolve('../pubspec.lock').toFilePath();
  final lockFile = File(lockPath);

  // The folder name is the package name
  final package = lockFile.parent.path.split(Platform.pathSeparator).last;

  final String lockContent;
  try {
    lockContent = lockFile.readAsStringSync();
  } catch (e) {
    // Will fail if the file is not found
    // ex: The script file is nested more than once and not globally activated
    return null;

  final lock = loadYaml(lockContent);
  final versionString = lock['packages']?[package]?['version'] as String?;

  if (versionString == null) {
    // This is not a globally activated package
    return null;

  final version = Version.parse(versionString);

  final PubPackage pubPackage;
  try {
    pubPackage = await _client.packageInfo(package);
  } catch (e) {
    // Will throw if the package is not found
    return null;

  final pubPackageVersion = Version.parse(pubPackage.version);
  final updateAvailable = pubPackageVersion.compareTo(version) > 0;

  return updateAvailable ? pubPackageVersion : null;