compareTo method

  1. @override
int compareTo(
  1. VersionRange other

Compares this object to another object.

Returns a value like a Comparator when comparing this to other. That is, it returns a negative integer if this is ordered before other, a positive integer if this is ordered after other, and zero if this and other are ordered together.

The other argument must be a value that is comparable to this object.


int compareTo(VersionRange other) {
  if (other is Version) {
    if (major != other.major) return major.compareTo(other.major);
    if (minor != other.minor) return minor.compareTo(other.minor);
    if (patch != other.patch) return patch.compareTo(other.patch);

    // Pre-releases always come before no pre-release string.
    if (!isPreRelease && other.isPreRelease) return 1;
    if (!other.isPreRelease && isPreRelease) return -1;

    var comparison = _compareLists(preRelease, other.preRelease);
    if (comparison != 0) return comparison;

    // Builds always come after no build string.
    if (build.isEmpty && return -1;
    if ( && build.isNotEmpty) return 1;
    return _compareLists(build,;
  } else {
    return -other.compareTo(this);