pubRelease method

void pubRelease({
  1. bool? incVersion,
  2. required bool setVersion,
  3. String? passedVersion,
  4. required int lineLength,
  5. required bool dryrun,


void pubRelease(
    {bool? incVersion,
    required bool setVersion,
    String? passedVersion,
    required int lineLength,
    required bool dryrun}) {

  /// If the user has set the version from the cli we assume they want to answer
  /// yes to all questions.
  final autoAnswer = setVersion;
  //print('Running pub_release version: $packageVersion');

  final pubspecPath = findPubSpec();
  if (pubspecPath == null) {
    print('Unable to find pubspec.yaml, run release from the '
        "package's root directory.");

  final pubspec = PubSpec.fromFile(pubspecPath);

  final projectRootPath = dirname(pubspecPath);
  final currentVersion = pubspec.version;


  print(green('Found pubspec.yaml for ${orange(!)}.'));
  if (!autoAnswer && !confirm('Is this the correct package?')) exit(-1);

  print(green('Current ${} version is $currentVersion'));

  final usingGit = Git().usingGit(projectRootPath)!;

  if (usingGit) {
    print('Found Git project.');

    // we do a premptive git pull as we won't be able to do a push
    // at the end if we are behind head.

    print('Checking files are committed.');

  Version? newVersion;
  if (setVersion) {
    // we were passed the new version so just updated everything.
    newVersion = Version.parse(passedVersion!);
    print(green('Setting version to $passedVersion'));

    if (!dryrun) {
      updateVersion(newVersion, pubspec, pubspecPath);
  } else {
    // Ask the user for the new version
    if (incVersion!) {
      newVersion = askForVersion(currentVersion!);
      if (!dryrun) {
        updateVersion(newVersion, pubspec, pubspecPath);

  runPreReleaseHooks(projectRootPath, version: newVersion, dryrun: dryrun);

  // ensure that all code is correctly formatted.
  formatCode(projectRootPath, usingGit: usingGit, lineLength: lineLength);

  final progress = start('dart analyze',
      workingDirectory: projectRootPath,
      nothrow: true,
      progress: Progress.print());
  if (progress.exitCode != 0) {
        red('dart analyze failed. Please fix the errors and try again.'));
  print('Generating release notes.');
  if (!dryrun) {
    generateReleaseNotes(projectRootPath, newVersion, currentVersion,
        autoAnswer: autoAnswer, dryrun: dryrun);

  if (usingGit && !dryrun) {
    print('Committing release notes and versioned files');
    Git().commit("Released $newVersion");


    print('add tag');
    Git().addGitTag(newVersion, autoAnswer: autoAnswer);

  publish(pubspecPath, autoAnswer: autoAnswer, dryrun: dryrun);

  runPostReleaseHooks(projectRootPath, version: newVersion, dryrun: dryrun);