askForVersion function

Version? askForVersion(
  1. Version currentVersion

Ask the user to select the new version no. Pass in the current currentVersion number.


Version? askForVersion(Version currentVersion) {
  final options = <_NewVersion>[
    _NewVersion('Small Patch'.padRight(25), currentVersion.nextPatch),
    _NewVersion('Non-breaking change'.padRight(25), currentVersion.nextMinor),
    _NewVersion('Breaking change'.padRight(25), currentVersion.nextBreaking),
    _NewVersion('Keep the current Version'.padRight(25), currentVersion),
    _CustomVersion('Enter custom version no.'.padRight(25))

  print(blue('What sort of changes have been made since the last release?'));
  final selected = menu(prompt: 'Select the change level:', options: options);

  if (selected is _CustomVersion) {

  return confirmVersion(selected.version);