addExecutableAsset function

void addExecutableAsset(
  1. SimpleGitHub ghr,
  2. Release release,
  3. String script


void addExecutableAsset(SimpleGitHub ghr, ghub.Release release, String script) {
  String? mimeType;
  String assetPath = join(dirname(script), basenameWithoutExtension(script));
  if (Platform.isWindows) {
    assetPath =
        '${join(dirname(script), basenameWithoutExtension(script))}.exe';
    mimeType = lookupMimeType(assetPath);
  } else {
    assetPath = join(dirname(script), basenameWithoutExtension(script));

    /// fake the .exe extension for the mime lookup.
    mimeType = lookupMimeType('$assetPath.exe');

  /// use dcli to compile.
  Script.fromFile(script).compile(overwrite: true);

  addAsset(ghr, release, assetPath: assetPath, mimeType: mimeType);