generatePdf method

Future<String?> generatePdf(
  1. List<NewPage> pages,
  2. String outputPath

Generate PDF from Images, Template, and Patterns. pages: NewPages to be added to the PDF. outputPath: The path to the output file. Returns the path to the generated PDF path or null if the input is invalid or if the PDF generation fails.


Future<String?> generatePdf(List<NewPage> pages, String outputPath) async {
  try {
    return await _channel.invokeMethod(
      <String, dynamic>{
        'pages': pages
            .map((page) => page.toMap())
            .toList(), // Converting [NewPage] to map
        'outputFilePath': outputPath,
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
    return null;