NewPage.fromImage constructor

  1. PdfImagePage imagePage, {
  2. PageSize? pageSize,
  3. EdgeInsets? margins,
  4. int? rotation,
  5. Color? backgroundColor,

New page from image. imagePage The PdfImagePage to use for the page. pageSize The size of the page. Defaults to A4. margins The margins of the page. Defaults to 0. rotation The rotation of the page. Defaults to 0. backgroundColor The background color of the page. Defaults to white.


factory NewPage.fromImage(PdfImagePage imagePage,
    {PageSize? pageSize,
    EdgeInsets? margins,
    int? rotation,
    Color? backgroundColor}) {
  return NewPage._(
      type: 'imagePage',
      imagePage: imagePage,
      pageSize: pageSize ?? PageSize.a4,
      margins: margins,
      rotation: rotation,
      backgroundColor: backgroundColor);