isPacked property

bool get isPacked

Whether a numeric field is repeated and must be encoded with packed encoding.

In proto3 repeated fields are encoded as packed by default. The proto2 requires [packed=true] option.


bool get isPacked {
  if (!isRepeated) {
    return false; // only repeated fields can be packed

  if (!baseType.isPackable) {
    return false;

  switch (parent.fileGen!.syntax) {
    case ProtoSyntax.proto3:
      if (!descriptor.hasOptions()) {
        return true; // packed by default in proto3
      } else {
        return !descriptor.options.hasPacked() || descriptor.options.packed;
    case ProtoSyntax.proto2:
      if (!descriptor.hasOptions()) {
        return false; // not packed by default in proto3
      } else {
        return descriptor.options.packed;