stageLayoutThumbnailGet method

Future<Uint8List> stageLayoutThumbnailGet(
  1. String layoutId, {
  2. int? quality,

stageLayoutThumbnailGet -> /v1/stage/layout/{layout_id}/thumbnail

Requests a thumbnail image of the specified stage layout at the given quality value.


layoutId : The ID of the stage layout, either name, index or UUID.

  • Example (by_name): Layout Name
  • Example (by_index): 3
  • Example (by_uuid): 3C39C433-5C18-4F51-B357-55BB870227C4

quality : The desired quality of the thumbnail. The value is the number of pixels in the largest dimension of the image, i.e. if the image is landscape (wider than it is tall), it is the width of the image. If the image is portrait (taller than it is wide), it is the height of the image.

Example: 400


The request was processed successfully.

content-type: image/jpeg


  "type": "string",
  "required": [],
  "format": "binary",
  "example": "image data here"


Future<Uint8List> stageLayoutThumbnailGet(String layoutId, {int? quality}) async {
  String url = '/v1/stage/layout/$layoutId/thumbnail';
  Map<String, dynamic> query = {'quality': quality.toString()};

  return await call('get', url, params: query, httpAccept: 'image/jpeg');