lookPut method

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> lookPut(
  1. String id,
  2. Map postBody

lookPut -> /v1/look/{id}

Sets the details of the specified audience look. The UUID and index are ignored in the request. They are not modified by this operation. For multiple screens, the screens array is applied in order by index to the array of existing screens in the look. Updates to the screens are done until either the end of the screens update array is reached or the end of the existing screens array is reached. NOTE: The currently live look is not settable by this endpoint. To set the live look use PUT /v1/look/current.


id (required) : The ID of the audience look, either UUID, name, or index.

  • Example (by_uuid): 3C39C433-5C18-4F51-B357-55BB870227C4
  • Example (by_name): Look
  • Example (by_index): 3

postBody (required) : This is the data that must be sent with this request.


  "id": {
    "uuid": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5C",
    "name": "Look",
    "index": 0
  "screens": [
      "video_input": true,
      "media": true,
      "slide": true,
      "announcements": true,
      "props": true,
      "messages": true,
      "presentation": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5D",
      "mask": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5E"
      "video_input": true,
      "media": true,
      "slide": true,
      "announcements": true,
      "props": true,
      "messages": true,
      "presentation": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5D",
      "mask": null
      "video_input": false,
      "media": false,
      "slide": false,
      "announcements": true,
      "props": false,
      "messages": false,
      "presentation": null,
      "mask": null


The request was processed successfully.

content-type: application/json


  "type": "object",
  "required": [
  "example": {
    "id": {
      "uuid": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5C",
      "name": "Look",
      "index": 0
    "screens": [
        "video_input": true,
        "media": true,
        "slide": true,
        "announcements": true,
        "props": true,
        "messages": true,
        "presentation": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5D",
        "mask": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5E"
        "video_input": true,
        "media": true,
        "slide": true,
        "announcements": true,
        "props": true,
        "messages": true,
        "presentation": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5D",
        "mask": null
        "video_input": false,
        "media": false,
        "slide": false,
        "announcements": true,
        "props": false,
        "messages": false,
        "presentation": null,
        "mask": null


The request was not valid.

content-type: ``


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> lookPut(String id, Map postBody) async {
  String url = '/v1/look/$id';

  return await call('put', url, httpAccept: 'application/json');