lookGetCurrent method

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> lookGetCurrent()

lookGetCurrent -> /v1/look/current

Requests the details of the currently live audience look. NOTE: The current look is not contained in the looks returned by GET /v1/looks as the current look gets special treatment in ProPresenter and cannot be deleted. The current look may have the same attributes as one of the other not current saved looks, but it will have a unique UUID not contained in the response of GET /v1/looks. If the current look's attributes match those of one of the saved looks, the index returned is the index of the matching look in the array returned by GET /v1/looks. If the current look has been modified and its attributes don't match any of the saved looks, the index returned is the size of the saved looks array.


The request was processed successfully.

content-type: application/json


  "type": "object",
  "required": [
  "example": {
    "id": {
      "uuid": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5C",
      "name": "Look",
      "index": 0
    "screens": [
        "video_input": true,
        "media": true,
        "slide": true,
        "announcements": true,
        "props": true,
        "messages": true,
        "presentation": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5D",
        "mask": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5E"
        "video_input": true,
        "media": true,
        "slide": true,
        "announcements": true,
        "props": true,
        "messages": true,
        "presentation": "42C3FC3-C4B2-44F7-A55D-4CC913BB8A5D",
        "mask": null
        "video_input": false,
        "media": false,
        "slide": false,
        "announcements": true,
        "props": false,
        "messages": false,
        "presentation": null,
        "mask": null


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> lookGetCurrent() async {
  String url = '/v1/look/current';

  return await call('get', url, httpAccept: 'application/json');