ProState class

contains all the data exposed by the various API methods

Will emit the following events:

  • update (for all updates)
  • presentation (includes slide updates)
  • clock
  • message
  • playlist
  • library
  • audio
Mixed-in types




audioIsPlaying bool
getter/setter pair
audioPlaylistItemsByName Map<String, ProPlaylistItem>
getter/setter pair
audioPlaylists List<ProPlaylist>
getter/setter pair
audioPlaylistsByPath Map<String, ProPlaylist>
getter/setter pair
callbacks Map<String, List<void Function(ProEvent<Object> event)>>
getter/setter pairinherited
clocks List<ProClock>
getter/setter pair
clocksById Map<String, ProClock>
getter/setter pair
currentAudioPath String?
getter/setter pair
currentAudioPlaylist ProPlaylist?
no setter
currentAudioPlaylistPath String?
no setter
currentPlaylist ProPlaylist?
no setter
currentPlaylistPath String?
no setter
currentPresentation ProPresentation?
getter/setter pair
currentPresentationPath String?
getter/setter pair
currentSlide ProSlide?
no setter
currentSlideIndex int?
getter/setter pair
eventStream StreamController<ProEvent<Object>>
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
library List<ProLibraryItem>
getter/setter pair
messages List<ProMessage>
getter/setter pair
nextSlide ProSlide?
no setter
playlistItemsByName Map<String, ProPlaylistItem>
getter/setter pair
playlists List<ProPlaylist>
getter/setter pair
playlistsByPath Map<String, ProPlaylist>
getter/setter pair
presentationsByPath Map<String, ProPresentation>
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
showingFirstSlide bool
no setter
showingLastSlide bool
no setter
stageMessage String?
getter/setter pair


clear() → void
dispose() → void
emit(String event, [Object? data]) → void
emit will always emit twice... first, by the name of the event submitted, and secondly, by the name of the special event 'all'
handleData(Map<String, dynamic> data) → void
will process the data from a ProPresenter response
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
on(String event, void callback(ProEvent<Object> event)) ProEventObserver
set a callback for events of this type.
stream(String event) Stream<ProEvent<Object>>
listen to an event on this ProEventEmitter as a stream. An ProEvent will be emitted whenever the event by this name is emitted.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateWith(String s) → void
emits an event by name and an 'update' event


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.