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A command-line tool to generate painless dart code for bloc pattern in your flutter project. Use seven command to perform operations.


You can activate this using dart pub command

This is package is an independent library that is not linked to your project. So there's no need to add it to your flutter project as it works as a global command line tool for all of your projects.

dart pub global activate project_manager

Run following command to add pub cache to system's environment/path variable. So that you can access seven command in every project.

Note: You need to execute this command eveytime when you open new terminal.

export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"


Help Command - Run following command to see Help

seven --help

Create Command - Run following command to create template code for a module with bloc structure

seven create --name module_name

You can use --name OR -n before module name

For Example:

seven create --name feature-chat 


seven create -N feature-chat


Parth Panchal twitter_logo linedin_logo

Mukund Jogi twitter_logo linedin_logo

Milan Surelia twitter_logo linedin_logo

Having Issues

File the Issue here

Looking to contribute to this package:

🤘🏻 Great! Fork the Repo, Update Code, Write a meaningful Commit Message, Send a PR. That's all you need to Contribute.

