convertUrl static method

String convertUrl(
  1. String url, {
  2. int? width,
  3. int? height,
  4. ImageCDNFit fit = ImageCDNFit.contain,
  5. ImageCDNFormat format = ImageCDNFormat.webp,

url A URL-Encoded link to the image you wish to cache and apply transformations to.

Note: The image must be reachable by the image service (contact ImageCDN for whitelisting options).

height Height of the desired image, in pixels.

width Width of the desired image, in pixels.

format Override the format output by the service. Options are: webp, jpg, png. Defaults to : webp.

fit How to fill the space provided by height/width. Options are: cover, contain, fill, inside or outside. Defaults to: cover.


static String convertUrl(String url,
    {int? width,
    int? height,
    ImageCDNFit fit = ImageCDNFit.contain,
    ImageCDNFormat format = ImageCDNFormat.webp}) {
  Map<String, String> params = {};
  if (width != null) params["width"] = "$width";
  if (height != null) params["height"] = "$height";

  params["fit"] =;
  params["format"] =;

  if (params.isEmpty) return url;

  String paramsString = => "${e.key}=${e.value}").join("&");

  String encodedUrl = Uri.encodeQueryComponent(url);
  return "$encodedUrl?$paramsString}";