
Progress Alert is customizable alert for showing process which is progressing in background


  • Single line basic alert
  • Customizable Features
    • Change all button texts
      • Change height
      • Change position as top/bottom
      • Change icons
    • Change display time of failed process alert

Getting started

You must add the library as a dependency to your project.

 progress_alert: ^latest

Then run flutter packages get

Example Project

There is a detailed example project in the example folder. You can directly run and play on it. There are code snippets from example project below.

Basic Setup

Add ProgressAlert() to Material App's builder as example

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
      builder: (context, child) => Stack(
        children: [child!, ProgressAlert()],
      home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),

Start controller

final controller = ProgressPanel();

Create progress

Future<void> func() async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3));
    setState(() {
ProgressItem progress = ProgressItem(
    process: func,
    processText: "Counter Incrementing",
    errorText: "Counter Incrementing Failed!",
    onCancel: () {
      print("Progress Cancelled");
    onDone: () {
      print("Progress Done");
    onError: (e) {
      print("Progress Failed:$e");

Add and start process


Customizable Features


    redoText: "Redi",
    height: 50,
    hideText: "Hide",
    cancelText: "Cancel",
    errorIcon: const Icon(Icons.error),
    progressIcon: const CircularProgressIndicator(),
    isTop: true,


ProgressItem progress = ProgressItem(
    process: func,
    processText: "Counter Incrementing",
    errorText: "Counter Incrementing Failed!",
    onCancel: () {
      print("Progress Cancelled");
    onDone: () {
      print("Progress Done");
    onError: (e) {
      print("Progress Failed:$e");

Displaying Fail

final controller = ProgressPanel();
controller.setFailDuration=const Duration(seconds: 10);
//If you want the error not to be cleared from the screen turn false


  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.