addChild method

void addChild(
  1. PNDelegate delegate,
  2. dynamic data, {
  3. bool leaf = true,

Add a node which has no children, don't change current parent node.

This method should be used to add leaf to parent. If for some reason you need to go back to node added by this method use nextSibling and prevSibling to navigate back. By default node added by this method can't have children, trying add child will result in exception being thrown. If for some reason this behaviour is not acceptable pass leaf argument as false.

Consider tree:

      /  \
     S2  S3

if S2 is current node, then call to this method will result in adding node S4 as shown below, but current node still is S2 (in contrast to push)

      /  \
     S2  S3

so calling it again will result in adding S5. For both S4 and S5 no children should be added, if leaf argument was false.

      /  \
     S2  S3
    /  \
   S4  S5


void addChild(PNDelegate delegate, dynamic data, {bool leaf = true}) {
  var node = ProcessingNode(delegate, leaf ? const [] : [], data);
  _parenthood[node] = _current;