runExecutableArguments function

Future<ProcessResult> runExecutableArguments(
  1. String executable,
  2. List<String> arguments, {
  3. String? workingDirectory,
  4. Map<String, String>? environment,
  5. bool includeParentEnvironment = true,
  6. bool? runInShell,
  7. Encoding? stdoutEncoding = systemEncoding,
  8. Encoding? stderrEncoding = systemEncoding,
  9. Stream<List<int>>? stdin,
  10. StreamSink<List<int>>? stdout,
  11. StreamSink<List<int>>? stderr,
  12. bool? verbose,
  13. bool? commandVerbose,
  14. void onProcess(
    1. Process process

if commandVerbose or verbose is true, display the command. if verbose is true, stream stdout & stdin

Optional onProcess(process) is called to allow killing the process.

Don't mess-up with the input and output for now here. only use it for kill.


Future<ProcessResult> runExecutableArguments(
    String executable, List<String> arguments,
    {String? workingDirectory,
    Map<String, String>? environment,
    bool includeParentEnvironment = true,
    bool? runInShell,
    Encoding? stdoutEncoding = systemEncoding,
    Encoding? stderrEncoding = systemEncoding,
    Stream<List<int>>? stdin,
    StreamSink<List<int>>? stdout,
    StreamSink<List<int>>? stderr,
    bool? verbose,
    bool? commandVerbose,
    void Function(Process process)? onProcess}) async {
  if (verbose == true) {
    commandVerbose = true;
    stdout ??= io.stdout;
    stderr ??= io.stderr;

  if (commandVerbose == true) {
    utils.streamSinkWriteln(stdout ?? io.stdout,
        '\$ ${executableArgumentsToString(executable, arguments)}',
        encoding: stdoutEncoding);

  // Build our environment
  var shellEnvironment = ShellEnvironment.full(
      environment: environment,
      includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment);

  // Default is the full command
  var executableShortName = executable;

  // Find executable if needed, i.e. if it is only a name
  if (basename(executable) == executable) {
    // Try to find it in path or use it as is
    executable = utils.findExecutableSync(executable, shellEnvironment.paths) ??
  } else {
    // resolve locally
    executable = utils.findExecutableSync(basename(executable), [
          join(workingDirectory ?? Directory.current.path, dirname(executable))
        ]) ??

  // Fix runInShell on windows (force run in shell for non-.exe)
  runInShell = utils.fixRunInShell(runInShell, executable);

  Process process;
  try {
    process = await Process.start(executable, arguments,
        workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
        environment: shellEnvironment,
        includeParentEnvironment: false,
        runInShell: runInShell);
    if (shellDebug) {
      print('process: ${}');
    if (onProcess != null) {
    if (shellDebug) {
      // ignore: unawaited_futures
      () async {
        try {
          var exitCode = await process.exitCode;
          print('process: ${} exitCode $exitCode');
        } catch (e) {
          print('process: ${} Error $e waiting exit code');
  } catch (e) {
    if (verbose == true) {
          '\$ ${executableArgumentsToString(executableShortName, arguments)}');
          'workingDirectory: ${workingDirectory ?? Directory.current.path}');

  final outCtlr = StreamController<List<int>>(sync: true);
  final errCtlr = StreamController<List<int>>(sync: true);

  // Connected stdin
  // Buggy!
  StreamSubscription? stdinSubscription;
  if (stdin != null) {
    //stdin.pipe(process.stdin); // this closes the stream...
    stdinSubscription = stdin.listen((List<int> data) {
      ..onDone(() {
    // OLD 2: process.stdin.addStream(stdin);
  } else {
    // Close the input sync, we want this not interractive

  Future<dynamic> streamToResult(
      Stream<List<int>> stream, Encoding? encoding) async {
    final list = <int>[];
    await for (final data in stream) {
      //devPrint('s: ${data}');
    if (encoding != null) {
      return encoding.decode(list);
    return list;

  var out = streamToResult(, stdoutEncoding);
  var err = streamToResult(, stderrEncoding);

  process.stdout.listen((List<int> d) {
    if (stdout != null) {
  }, onDone: () {

  process.stderr.listen((List<int> d) async {
    if (stderr != null) {
  }, onDone: () {

  final exitCode = await process.exitCode;

  /// Cancel input sink
  if (stdinSubscription != null) {
    await stdinSubscription.cancel();

  // Notice that exitCode can complete before all of the lines of output have been
  // processed. Also note that we do not explicitly close the process. In order
  // to not leak resources we have to drain both the stderr and the stdout streams.
  // To do that we set a listener (using await for) to drain the stderr stream.
  //await process.stdout.drain();
  //await process.stderr.drain();

  final result = ProcessResult(, exitCode, await out, await err);

  if (stdin != null) {

  // flush for consistency
  if (stdout == io.stdout) {
    await io.stdout.safeFlush();
  if (stderr == io.stderr) {
    await io.stderr.safeFlush();

  return result;