
The validator package comes with several common validations and removes the boiler plate code from your project.


  • Contains several common validations
  • Supports grouping of validators to write concise code
  • Zero dependency
  • Well tested
  • Easy to use and removes boiler plate code from your project

How to use


flutter pub add pro_validator


NOTE: if validate value contains is a null value, the result is null, not an error.

import 'package:pro_validator/pro_validator.dart';

void main() {
  const emailValidator = MultiValidator(
    validators: [
      RequiredValidator(error: 'Required field'),
      EmailValidator(error: 'Invalid email'),

  print('null email validation ${emailValidator(null)}');
  print('empty email validation ${emailValidator('')}');
  print('invalid email validation ${emailValidator('mail@com')}');
  print('valid email validation ${emailValidator('')}');

  const passwordValidator = MultiValidator(
    validators: [
      RequiredValidator(error: 'Required field'),
      MinLengthValidator(min: 8, error: 'Min length 8'),
      HasUppercaseValidator(error: 'Must contain at least one uppercase'),
      HasLowercaseValidator(error: 'Must contain at least one lowercase'),

  print('null password validation ${passwordValidator(null)}');
  print('empty password validation ${passwordValidator('')}');
  print('min length password validation ${passwordValidator('1232')}');
  print('invalid password validation ${passwordValidator('12345678')}');
  print('invalid password validation ${passwordValidator('12345678A')}');
  print('valid password validation ${passwordValidator('a12345678A')}');

  final matchValidator = MatchValidator(error: 'Do not match');

  print('match validation ${matchValidator('a', 'b')}');

Available Validators

Validator Description
RequiredValidator Ensures the value is not empty, not white space only.
MaxLengthValidator Ensures the value length contains no more than a set max of characters.
MinLengthValidator Ensures the value length contains no fewer than a set min of characters.
HasUppercaseValidator Ensures the value contains a minimum of one uppercase character.
HasLowercaseValidator Ensures the value contains a minimum of one lowercase character.
HasANumberValidator Ensures the value contains a minimum of one numeric character.
LengthRangeValidator Ensures the value length is contained in the range min, max.
NumRangeValidator Ensures the num value is contained in the range min, max.
EmailValidator Ensures the value is a validly formatted email address.
PhoneValidator Ensures the value is a validly formatted phone number.
UrlValidator Ensures the value is a validly formatted URL.
PatternValidator Ensures a custom regular expression string.
MatchValidator A special match validator to check if the v1 equals v2 value.
MultiValidator Group together and validate the basic validators.


pro_validator is a dart package that provides a set of validators