update method

void update({
  1. bool? isComplex,
  2. bool? willChange,
  3. CustomPainter? foregroundPainter,
  4. CustomPainter? painter,

Updates the properties of the CustomPaint widget and triggers a rebuild of the painting without affecting the child widget.

isComplex - Optional new value for whether the painting is complex. willChange - Optional new value for whether the painting will change. foregroundPainter - Optional new foreground painter. painter - Optional new painter.


void update({
  bool? isComplex,
  bool? willChange,
  CustomPainter? foregroundPainter,
  CustomPainter? painter,
}) {
  setState(() {
    if (isComplex != null) this.isComplex = isComplex;
    if (willChange != null) this.willChange = willChange;
    if (foregroundPainter != null) this.foregroundPainter = foregroundPainter;
    if (painter != null) this.painter = painter;