platformTextStyle function

TextStyle platformTextStyle(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. ImageEditorDesignModeE mode

Determines the appropriate text style based on the platform and design mode.

The platformTextStyle function returns a text style that is suitable for the given platform (iOS or Android) and design mode (Material or Cupertino).


  • context: A BuildContext object representing the current build context.
  • mode: An ImageEditorDesignMode enum representing the design mode (Material or Cupertino).

Returns: A TextStyle object that matches the text style of the specified platform and design mode.

Example Usage:

// Get the appropriate text style for Material Design on Android.
TextStyle textStyle = platformTextStyle(context, ImageEditorDesignMode.material);

// Get the appropriate text style for Cupertino Design on iOS.
TextStyle textStyle = platformTextStyle(context, ImageEditorDesignMode.cupertino);


TextStyle platformTextStyle(BuildContext context, ImageEditorDesignModeE mode) {
  if (mode == ImageEditorDesignModeE.cupertino) {
    return CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme.textStyle;
  } else {
    return Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge ?? const TextStyle();