safeParseSize function

Size safeParseSize(
  1. Map<String, dynamic>? map, {
  2. Size fallback =,

Safely parses a Map representation of a size to a Size object.

This function attempts to convert the provided map to a Size object. If the map is null, missing required keys (width and height), or contains invalid values, a fallback size is returned instead.

  • Parameters:

    • map: A Map that is expected to contain width and height keys, where their values can be converted to double.
    • fallback: A Size value to return if parsing fails or if map is null. Defaults to if not provided.
  • Returns: A Size object constructed from the map if parsing succeeds, or the fallback size if it fails.

  • Example:

safeParseSize({'width': 200, 'height': 100}); // returns Size(200.0, 100.0)
safeParseSize(null);                          // returns (fallback)
safeParseSize({'width': 'abc', 'height': 50}, fallback: Size(10, 10));
                                              // returns Size(10.0, 10.0) (fallback)


Size safeParseSize(Map<String, dynamic>? map, {Size fallback =}) {
  if (map == null) return fallback;

  return Size(
    safeParseDouble(map['width'], fallback: fallback.width),
    safeParseDouble(map['height'], fallback: fallback.height),