readFileAsUint8List function

Future<Uint8List> readFileAsUint8List(
  1. File file

Reads a file as a Uint8List.

This function allows you to read the contents of a file and convert it into a Uint8List for further use.


  • file: A File object representing the image file to be read.

Returns: A Future that resolves to a Uint8List containing the file's data.

Example Usage:

final File imageFile = File('path/to/image.png');
final Uint8List fileBytes = await readFileAsUint8List(imageFile);


Future<Uint8List> readFileAsUint8List(File file) async {
  try {
    // Read the file as bytes
    final Uint8List uint8List = await file.readAsBytes();

    return uint8List;
  } catch (e) {
    throw Exception('Failed to read file: ${file.path}');