captureFinalScreenshot method

Future<Uint8List?> captureFinalScreenshot({
  1. required ImageInfos imageInfos,
  2. required ThreadCaptureState? backgroundScreenshot,
  3. Widget? widget,
  4. BuildContext? context,
  5. Uint8List? originalImageBytes,
  6. Size? targetSize,

Captures the final screenshot based on the provided parameters.

This method handles the screenshot capture process, either by using an existing background screenshot, creating a new screenshot, or validating an existing image's format and size. It ensures the screenshot meets the required format and size, and handles errors by attempting a new capture.

  • Parameters:

    • imageInfos: Information about the image being captured.
    • backgroundScreenshot: An optional existing screenshot to use.
    • widget: An optional widget to capture a screenshot from.
    • context: The build context for the widget.
    • originalImageBytes: Optional bytes of the original image.
  • Returns: The captured screenshot as a Uint8List?.


Future<Uint8List?> captureFinalScreenshot({
  required ImageInfos imageInfos,
  required ThreadCaptureState? backgroundScreenshot,
  Widget? widget,
  BuildContext? context,
  Uint8List? originalImageBytes,
  Size? targetSize,
}) async {
  Uint8List? bytes;

  bool activeScreenshotGeneration =
      backgroundScreenshot != null && !backgroundScreenshot.broken;
  String id = activeScreenshotGeneration
      : generateUniqueId();

  try {
    if (!kIsWeb) {
    } else {

    if (originalImageBytes == null) {
      if (activeScreenshotGeneration) {
        // Get screenshot from isolated generated thread.
        bytes = await backgroundScreenshot.completer.future;
      } else {
        // Capture a new screenshot if the current screenshot is broken or
        // didn't exists.
        bytes = widget == null
            ? await _capture(
                id: id,
                imageInfos: imageInfos,
            : await captureFromWidget(
                id: id,
                targetSize: targetSize,
                imageInfos: imageInfos,
    } else {
      // If the user didn't change anything just ensure the outputformat
      // is correct.
      bytes = originalImageBytes;

      String contentType = lookupMimeType('', headerBytes: bytes) ?? 'Unkown';
      List<String> sp = contentType.split('/');
      bool formatIsCorrect = sp.length > 1 &&
          ( == sp[1] ||
              (sp[1] == 'jpeg' &&
                  _configs.imageGenerationConfigs.outputFormat ==

      double outputRatio = imageInfos.pixelRatio;
      if (!_configs.imageGenerationConfigs.captureOnlyDrawingBounds &&
          context != null &&
          context.mounted) {
        outputRatio = max(
            imageInfos.pixelRatio, MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio);
      bool isOutputSizeTooLarge = _isOutputSizeTooLarge(
      if (!formatIsCorrect || isOutputSizeTooLarge) {
        final ui.Image image = await decodeImageFromList(originalImageBytes);
        if (_configs.imageGenerationConfigs.generateInsideSeparateThread) {
          if (kIsWeb || isOutputSizeTooLarge) {
            /// currently in the web flutter decode the image wrong so we need
            /// to recapture it.
            /// bytes = await _webWorkerManager.send(
            ///   await _generateSendEncodeData(
            ///     id: id,
            ///     image: image,
            ///   ),
            /// );
            bytes = widget == null
                ? await _capture(
                    id: id,
                    imageInfos: imageInfos,
                : await captureFromWidget(
                    id: id,
                    targetSize: targetSize,
                    imageInfos: imageInfos,
          } else {
            bytes = await _isolateManager.send(
              await _generateSendEncodeData(
                id: id,
                image: image,
        } else {
          bytes = await _encodeImage(image);
  } catch (e) {

    // Take a new screenshot when something went wrong.
    bytes = widget == null
        ? await _capture(
            id: id,
            imageInfos: imageInfos,
        : await captureFromWidget(
            id: id,
            targetSize: targetSize,
            imageInfos: imageInfos,
  return bytes;