openFilterEditor method

void openFilterEditor()

Opens the filter editor.

This method allows the user to apply filters to the current image and replaces the image with the filtered version if a filter is applied.

The filter editor is opened as a page, and the resulting filtered image is received as a Uint8List. If no filter is applied or the operation is canceled, the original image is retained.


void openFilterEditor() async {
  if (!mounted) return;
  FilterMatrix? filters = await openPage(
      key: filterEditor,
      file: editorImage.file,
      byteArray: editorImage.byteArray,
      assetPath: editorImage.assetPath,
      networkUrl: editorImage.networkUrl,
      initConfigs: FilterEditorInitConfigs(
        theme: _theme,
        configs: configs,
        callbacks: callbacks,
        transformConfigs: stateManager.transformConfigs,
        layers: activeLayers,
        mainImageSize: sizesManager.decodedImageSize,
        mainBodySize: sizesManager.bodySize,
        convertToUint8List: false,
        appliedBlurFactor: stateManager.activeBlur,
        appliedFilters: stateManager.activeFilters,

  if (filters == null) return;

    filters: filters,
    heroScreenshotRequired: true,

  setState(() {});