toMap method
Converts this transform object to a Map.
Returns a Map representing the properties of this layer object, including the X and Y coordinates, rotation angle, scale factors, and flip flags.
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
'text': text,
'colorMode': LayerBackgroundMode.values[colorMode?.index ?? 0].name,
'color': color.toHex(),
'background': background.toHex(),
'colorPickerPosition': colorPickerPosition ?? 0,
'fontScale': fontScale,
'type': 'text',
if (customSecondaryColor) 'customSecondaryColor': customSecondaryColor,
if (textStyle?.fontFamily != null) 'fontFamily': textStyle?.fontFamily,
if (textStyle?.fontStyle != null) 'fontStyle': textStyle?.fontStyle!.name,
if (textStyle?.fontWeight != null)
'fontWeight': textStyle?.fontWeight!.value,
if (textStyle?.letterSpacing != null)
'letterSpacing': textStyle?.letterSpacing,
if (textStyle?.height != null) 'height': textStyle?.height,
if (textStyle?.wordSpacing != null) 'wordSpacing': textStyle?.wordSpacing,
if (textStyle?.decoration != null)
'decoration': textStyle?.decoration.toString(),