EditorInitConfigs constructor

const EditorInitConfigs({
  1. required ThemeData theme,
  2. ProImageEditorConfigs configs = const ProImageEditorConfigs(),
  3. ProImageEditorCallbacks callbacks = const ProImageEditorCallbacks(),
  4. Size? mainImageSize,
  5. Size? mainBodySize,
  6. TransformConfigs? transformConfigs,
  7. FilterMatrix appliedFilters = const [],
  8. double appliedBlurFactor = 0,
  9. List<Layer>? layers,
  10. ImageEditingEmptyCallback? onCloseEditor,
  11. ImageEditingCompleteCallback? onImageEditingComplete,
  12. dynamic onImageEditingStarted()?,
  13. bool convertToUint8List = false,

Creates a new instance of EditorInitConfigs.

The theme parameter specifies the theme data for the editor. The configs parameter specifies the configuration options for the image editor. The callbacks parameter specifies the callback options for the image editor. The mainImageSize parameter specifies the size of the image with layers applied. The mainBodySize parameter specifies the size of the body with layers applied. The appliedFilters parameter specifies the list of applied filters. The appliedBlurFactor parameter specifies the applied blur factor. The transformConfigs parameter specifies the transformation configurations for the editor. The layers parameter specifies the layers in the editor.


const EditorInitConfigs({
  required this.theme,
  this.configs = const ProImageEditorConfigs(),
  this.callbacks = const ProImageEditorCallbacks(),
  this.appliedFilters = const [],
  this.appliedBlurFactor = 0,
  this.convertToUint8List = false,