toFile method

Future<File> toFile({
  1. String? path,

Converts the state history to a JSON file.

Returns a File representing the JSON file containing the state history of the editor. The optional path parameter specifies the path where the file should be saved. If not provided, the file will be saved in the system's temporary directory with the default name 'editor_state_history.json'.


Future<File> toFile({String? path}) async {
  // Get the system's temporary directory
  String tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.path;

  String filePath = path ?? '$tempDir/editor_state_history.json';

  // Create a temporary file
  File tempFile = File(filePath);

  // Write JSON String to the temporary file
  await tempFile.writeAsString(await toJson());

  if (kDebugMode) {
    debugPrint('Export state history to file location: $filePath');

  return tempFile;