ImageEditorIcons constructor
- IconsPaintingEditor paintingEditor = const IconsPaintingEditor(),
- IconsTextEditor textEditor = const IconsTextEditor(),
- IconsCropRotateEditor cropRotateEditor = const IconsCropRotateEditor(),
- IconsFilterEditor filterEditor = const IconsFilterEditor(),
- IconsTuneEditor tuneEditor = const IconsTuneEditor(),
- IconsBlurEditor blurEditor = const IconsBlurEditor(),
- IconsEmojiEditor emojiEditor = const IconsEmojiEditor(),
- IconsStickerEditor stickerEditor = const IconsStickerEditor(),
- IconsLayerInteraction layerInteraction = const IconsLayerInteraction(),
- IconData closeEditor = Icons.clear,
- IconData doneIcon = Icons.done,
- IconData applyChanges = Icons.done,
- IconData backButton = Icons.arrow_back,
- IconData undoAction = Icons.undo,
- IconData redoAction = Icons.redo,
- IconData removeElementZone = Icons.delete_outline_rounded,
Creates an instance of ImageEditorIcons with customizable icon settings.
You can provide custom icons for various actions in the Image Editor component.
- closeEditor: The icon for closing the editor.
- doneIcon: The icon for applying changes.
- backButton: The icon for the back button.
- applyChanges: The icon for applying changes in the editor.
- undoAction: The icon for undoing the last action.
- redoAction: The icon for redoing the last undone action.
- removeElementZone: The icon for removing an element or zone.
- paintingEditor: Customizable icons for the Painting Editor component.
- textEditor: Customizable icons for the Text Editor component.
- cropRotateEditor: Customizable icons for the Crop and Rotate Editor component.
- filterEditor: Customizable icons for the Filter Editor component.
- blurEditor: Customizable icons for the Blur Editor component.
- emojiEditor: Customizable icons for the Emoji Editor component.
- stickerEditor: Customizable icons for the Sticker Editor component.
- layerInteraction: Icons for the layer interaction settings.
If no custom icons are provided, default icons are used for each action.
paintingEditor: IconsPaintingEditor(
bottomNavBar: Icons.edit_rounded,
lineWeight: Icons.line_weight_rounded,
freeStyle: Icons.edit,
// ... (customize other painting editor icons)
textEditor: IconsTextEditor(
bottomNavBar: Icons.text_fields,
alignLeft: Icons.align_horizontal_left_rounded,
alignCenter: Icons.align_horizontal_center_rounded,
// ... (customize other text editor icons)
cropRotateEditor: IconsCropRotateEditor(
bottomNavBar: Icons.crop_rotate_rounded,
rotate: Icons.rotate_90_degrees_ccw_outlined,
aspectRatio: Icons.crop,
// ... (customize other crop and rotate editor icons)
filterEditor: IconsFilterEditor(
bottomNavBar: Icons.filter,
// ... (customize other filter editor icons)
blurEditor: IconsBlurEditor(
bottomNavBar: Icons.blur_on,
// ... (customize other blur editor icons)
emojiEditor: IconsEmojiEditor(
bottomNavBar: Icons.sentiment_satisfied_alt_rounded,
// ... (customize other emoji editor icons)
closeEditor: Icons.clear,
doneIcon: Icons.done,
backButton: Icons.arrow_back,
applyChanges: Icons.done,
undoAction: Icons.undo,
redoAction: Icons.redo,
removeElementZone: Icons.delete_outline_rounded,
const ImageEditorIcons({
this.paintingEditor = const IconsPaintingEditor(),
this.textEditor = const IconsTextEditor(),
this.cropRotateEditor = const IconsCropRotateEditor(),
this.filterEditor = const IconsFilterEditor(),
this.tuneEditor = const IconsTuneEditor(),
this.blurEditor = const IconsBlurEditor(),
this.emojiEditor = const IconsEmojiEditor(),
this.stickerEditor = const IconsStickerEditor(),
this.layerInteraction = const IconsLayerInteraction(),
this.closeEditor = Icons.clear,
this.doneIcon = Icons.done,
this.applyChanges = Icons.done,
this.backButton = Icons.arrow_back,
this.undoAction = Icons.undo,
this.redoAction = Icons.redo,
this.removeElementZone = Icons.delete_outline_rounded,