getFilterI18n method

String getFilterI18n(
  1. String filterName

Retrieves the localized translation for a given filter name.

This method allows you to obtain the localized translation for a specific filter name, returning the corresponding text for that filter in the chosen language or locale.


final i18nFilters = I18nFilters();
final localizedText = i18nFilters.getFilterI18n('Amaro');
// localizedText will contain the translation for the 'Amaro' filter.


String getFilterI18n(String filterName) {
  switch (filterName) {
    case 'No Filter':
      return none;
    case 'AddictiveBlue':
      return addictiveBlue;
    case 'AddictiveRed':
      return addictiveRed;
    case 'Aden':
      return aden;
    case 'Amaro':
      return amaro;
    case 'Ashby':
      return ashby;
    case 'Brannan':
      return brannan;
    case 'Brooklyn':
      return brooklyn;
    case 'Charmes':
      return charmes;
    case 'Clarendon':
      return clarendon;
    case 'Crema':
      return crema;
    case 'Dogpatch':
      return dogpatch;
    case 'Earlybird':
      return earlybird;
    case '1977':
      return f1977;
    case 'Gingham':
      return gingham;
    case 'Ginza':
      return ginza;
    case 'Hefe':
      return hefe;
    case 'Helena':
      return helena;
    case 'Hudson':
      return hudson;
    case 'Inkwell':
      return inkwell;
    case 'Juno':
      return juno;
    case 'Kelvin':
      return kelvin;
    case 'Lark':
      return lark;
    case 'Lo-Fi':
      return loFi;
    case 'Ludwig':
      return ludwig;
    case 'Maven':
      return maven;
    case 'Mayfair':
      return mayfair;
    case 'Moon':
      return moon;
    case 'Nashville':
      return nashville;
    case 'Perpetua':
      return perpetua;
    case 'Reyes':
      return reyes;
    case 'Rise':
      return rise;
    case 'Sierra':
      return sierra;
    case 'Skyline':
      return skyline;
    case 'Slumber':
      return slumber;
    case 'Stinson':
      return stinson;
    case 'Sutro':
      return sutro;
    case 'Toaster':
      return toaster;
    case 'Valencia':
      return valencia;
    case 'Vesper':
      return vesper;
    case 'Walden':
      return walden;
    case 'Willow':
      return willow;
    case 'X-Pro II':
      return xProII;
      return filterName;