I18nFilters constructor

const I18nFilters({
  1. String none = 'No Filter',
  2. String addictiveBlue = 'AddictiveBlue',
  3. String addictiveRed = 'AddictiveRed',
  4. String aden = 'Aden',
  5. String amaro = 'Amaro',
  6. String ashby = 'Ashby',
  7. String brannan = 'Brannan',
  8. String brooklyn = 'Brooklyn',
  9. String charmes = 'Charmes',
  10. String clarendon = 'Clarendon',
  11. String crema = 'Crema',
  12. String dogpatch = 'Dogpatch',
  13. String earlybird = 'Earlybird',
  14. String f1977 = '1977',
  15. String gingham = 'Gingham',
  16. String ginza = 'Ginza',
  17. String hefe = 'Hefe',
  18. String helena = 'Helena',
  19. String hudson = 'Hudson',
  20. String inkwell = 'Inkwell',
  21. String juno = 'Juno',
  22. String kelvin = 'Kelvin',
  23. String lark = 'Lark',
  24. String loFi = 'Lo-Fi',
  25. String ludwig = 'Ludwig',
  26. String maven = 'Maven',
  27. String mayfair = 'Mayfair',
  28. String moon = 'Moon',
  29. String nashville = 'Nashville',
  30. String perpetua = 'Perpetua',
  31. String reyes = 'Reyes',
  32. String rise = 'Rise',
  33. String sierra = 'Sierra',
  34. String skyline = 'Skyline',
  35. String slumber = 'Slumber',
  36. String stinson = 'Stinson',
  37. String sutro = 'Sutro',
  38. String toaster = 'Toaster',
  39. String valencia = 'Valencia',
  40. String vesper = 'Vesper',
  41. String walden = 'Walden',
  42. String willow = 'Willow',
  43. String xProII = 'X-Pro II',

Creates an instance of I18nFilters with customizable internationalization settings.

You can provide translations and messages for each filter available in your Filter Editor component. Customize the text for filter names and messages such as "Filter is being applied."


  none: 'No Filter',
  addictiveBlue: 'Addictive Blue',
  addictiveRed: 'Addictive Red',
  // Add translations for other filters...
  xProII: 'X-Pro II',


const I18nFilters({
  this.none = 'No Filter',
  this.addictiveBlue = 'AddictiveBlue',
  this.addictiveRed = 'AddictiveRed',
  this.aden = 'Aden',
  this.amaro = 'Amaro',
  this.ashby = 'Ashby',
  this.brannan = 'Brannan',
  this.brooklyn = 'Brooklyn',
  this.charmes = 'Charmes',
  this.clarendon = 'Clarendon',
  this.crema = 'Crema',
  this.dogpatch = 'Dogpatch',
  this.earlybird = 'Earlybird',
  this.f1977 = '1977',
  this.gingham = 'Gingham',
  this.ginza = 'Ginza',
  this.hefe = 'Hefe',
  this.helena = 'Helena',
  this.hudson = 'Hudson',
  this.inkwell = 'Inkwell',
  this.juno = 'Juno',
  this.kelvin = 'Kelvin',
  this.lark = 'Lark',
  this.loFi = 'Lo-Fi',
  this.ludwig = 'Ludwig',
  this.maven = 'Maven',
  this.mayfair = 'Mayfair',
  this.moon = 'Moon',
  this.nashville = 'Nashville',
  this.perpetua = 'Perpetua',
  this.reyes = 'Reyes',
  this.rise = 'Rise',
  this.sierra = 'Sierra',
  this.skyline = 'Skyline',
  this.slumber = 'Slumber',
  this.stinson = 'Stinson',
  this.sutro = 'Sutro',
  this.toaster = 'Toaster',
  this.valencia = 'Valencia',
  this.vesper = 'Vesper',
  this.walden = 'Walden',
  this.willow = 'Willow',
  this.xProII = 'X-Pro II',