I18nBlurEditor constructor

const I18nBlurEditor({
  1. String bottomNavigationBarText = 'Blur',
  2. String back = 'Back',
  3. String done = 'Done',

Creates an instance of I18nBlurEditor with customizable internationalization settings.

You can provide translations and messages specifically for the Blur Editor component of your application. Customize the text for the bottom navigation bar, messages such as "Blur is being applied,"


  applyBlurDialogMsg: 'Blur is being applied.',
  bottomNavigationBarText: 'Blur',
  done: 'Apply',
  back: 'Cancel',


const I18nBlurEditor({
  this.bottomNavigationBarText = 'Blur',
  this.back = 'Back',
  this.done = 'Done',