CropEditorAspectRatioOptions<T> typedef

CropEditorAspectRatioOptions<T> = ReactiveCustomWidget<Widget> Function(T editorState, Stream rebuildStream, double aspectRatio, double originalAspectRatio)

A typedef for creating a ReactiveCustomWidget that manages crop editor aspect ratio options.

  • T - The type representing the editor state.
  • editorState - The current state of the editor.
  • rebuildStream - A Stream that triggers the widget to rebuild.
  • aspectRatio - The aspect ratio to be set.
  • originalAspectRatio - The original aspect ratio.

Returns a ReactiveCustomWidget that provides options for crop editor aspect ratios.


typedef CropEditorAspectRatioOptions<T> = ReactiveCustomWidget Function(
  T editorState,
  Stream rebuildStream,
  double aspectRatio,
  double originalAspectRatio,